About Me

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Shamsharizat Shamsudin
Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
My name is Shamsharizat B. Shamsudin. I was born on June 4, 1989 in Hospital Mentakab. I am holding a degree in English. I am the 2nd youngest in my family. I only have one lil sister. I am very close to her. The whole members in my family are abah, mak, 6 older sisters, one younger sister, and only one big brother
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0 Gaya Orang Bercinta

Thursday, March 28, 2013
Entry pasal cintan-cintun. First of all, aku nak cakap yang aku tak reti bab2 bercinta ni sebab aku x pernah bercinta pun. Hahaha. Sebab tu aku pun tertanya2 pasal cinta ni.

Ermmm macam mana nak mula eh? Orait! Lelaki memang suka delay contact dengan aweks2 diorng sampai 10 hari ke? Memang lelaki steady je eh kalau tak contact gf diorg lama macam ni? Tak kesian ke kat awek diorang eh yang tertunggu2 text atau call dari bf diorang? Walaupun jauh, bg yang long distance tu, at least tegur dalam 2 hari sekali ke. Kan? Ini sampai 10 hari. Kalau aku, kalau aku laaaa, aku pun mintak putus beb! Hahahaha...

Tapi aku pun tak berani nak kata pape sangat sebab aku tak ada pengalaman sendiri. Pengalaman orang sekeliling adalah. Paling aku tak paham kalau yang asik bergaduh je. Haih!! Aku tak merasa lagi bende2 mcm tu. Kalau aku terjebak dengan dunia cinta ni, for sure aku akan rasa. So, better not now. Hehehe..

Aku dah set nak cintan-cintun masa umur 30 tahun. Hahahaha. Makin tua, makin mahal hantaran aku. Hahahaha. Buat gila kejap. Mana ada lelaki dapat hantaran. Tapi kalau dapat memang heaven gila.

Ok, sampai sini jelah. Nak cakap pasal cintan-cintun banyak2 pun aku ni bukan pandai sangat. Nak luah rasa hati je. Kesian tengok manusia sekeliling aku yang bercintan-cintun ni.

Ok bye semua. Jumpa lagi di entry seterusnya........

0 Perangai Budak2 Yang Tak Cool LANGSUNG!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hi peeps!!!
Ok today for this entry, Ima be writing about one type of life. It's called 'forever alone'. Please! There's no such thing as 'forever alone' life. You live in this world with a bunches of other types of people. What's on your mind? You CANNOT let other people follow your style of living.

You get angry, when you want to. Without knowing the reason, you be angry. One thing that you don't know is your emotional emotion affects others. Let us be frank and clear. Just tell what's your problem. We'll find a way to settle down. Please change your life. I know that I am no good type of person but at least I don't get emotional as high as the sky. I hope your style of living doesn't last long. Well, you are old already now. You're getting older, not younger bro.

Now, you may live the way you like it but please, try understand others. Don't solely hope the others to understand you.

Ok till then, BYE...

0 Kawan Baru yang SEWEL

Monday, March 25, 2013
Entry ni khas untuk kawan2 baru yang sewel. Aku ada 3 orang kawan baru yang sewel. Tapi level sewel lain2. Level si Dya paling tinggi. Aku update entry ni pun sebab dia tanya pasal blog aku so aq updatelah khas untuk dia and the geng. Second paling tinggi si Dila and ketiga goes to Myn. Hehehe.

Ada ke dia kata aq suka gosip2? Choy gila mulut. Hahaha. Aku x suka gosip2 ni. Tapi boleh je kalau nak buat. Ingat nak buatlah lepas ni. Mana tau boleh jadi paparazzi pasni, kan?

Tapi seronoklah kawan ngan dyorang. Dyorang tak kekwat pun ngan aku. Walaupun diorg hot (bajet hot je sebenarnya), tapi diorang okeylaa. Boleh blah ngan kepala aku. Mula2 aku ingat si Dila ngan Dya ni macam kinda sombong sikit sebab muka serius je. Yang si Myn memang suka senyum dari awal.

So far, kepala gila2 kami masih ok and I hope it continues till the end of our journey on earth. Korang kawin nanti aq harap korang tak lupa jemput. Korang komen kat gambar2 hot aq kat instagram pun ok jer. Hahahahahahahaha.

Okey that's all for now. See you again later!

0 SUKAD 2012/2013 Phase 1 Volleyball.

Saturday, March 9, 2013
This entry is specially written for the volleyball games at the recent tournament held in USM. I supported my ex-hostel which is Desasiswa Cahaya Gemilang. There are so many friends of mine from there (another reason to support that team).

We (I include myself) lost the game this year and just made it to the quarters as the 1st runner-up of the group. We lost to Desasiswa Nurani and Desasiswa Petas (Non-hostel student). But the players were happy to be where they are now. They tried their best.

We, as supporters to the players really played our role. We use "our sweet mouth" (especially Anip Harun) to give some kind of psychological attack towards the rivalry. Some were distracted, some were not. We should be "sweeter" after this. God willing.

Let's stop talking about this "sweet mouth". It's not good to have too many sweets. LOL. Let's talk about something more interesting. It's about a drama starred by Desasiswa Murni players. Here's the thing the Murni team players did not put their best top six in the game when they fought Bakti Permai team. And the better part was they acted like they played volleyball for the very first time. And the best part was, the lost the game to the weakest team, I might add. WTF? Hello ladies! Please have respect! If you guys wished to lose deliberately, do it like a real one. It was really obvious that Murni purposely lost the game. Their purpose was, they did not want to meet another good team before the finals. Ok, I don't have problems with that. Really!

But! Murni did not know how to act ok! How come you guys laugh after you did mistakes? That's nonsense. If you wanna act, act with your heart. Facial expression is important. Do it real!

The thing that I am satisfied with is Murni lost to Nurani. Served them right. Haha. So the final was between PETAS vs. Nurani and for this year, PETAS won the tournament. Congrats! One of the team members is my friend. Her name is Anis. But I like to call her 'princess'. LOL.

I think that is all for now. See ya later babe~~~~~ ;)

Words of The Day

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