About Me

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Shamsharizat Shamsudin
Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
My name is Shamsharizat B. Shamsudin. I was born on June 4, 1989 in Hospital Mentakab. I am holding a degree in English. I am the 2nd youngest in my family. I only have one lil sister. I am very close to her. The whole members in my family are abah, mak, 6 older sisters, one younger sister, and only one big brother
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0 THE [F]LIGHT-SIDE - jokes from the cockpit

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tengah duk baca2 buku kat info counter Penang Airport, terbacalah aku joke ni. Ni real punya announcement kot kat dalam flight. Memang kreatif!

"Welcome aboard X Airways. flight YYY to ZZZ. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seatbelt, and if you don't  know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with the child's. If you are traveling with two small children, decide now which one you love more."

"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover. but there only 4 ways out of this plan..."

"Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but they'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than X Airways."

And after a very hard landing:
"That was quite a bump and I know what you are all thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendants' fault, it was the asphalt!"
 "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. The next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us here at X Airways."

"As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses."

"Thank you for flying with X Airways. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."

Skrip ni digunakan oleh certain FA untuk elakkan cliche and may be untuk kurangkan pressure yang dialami oleh para penumpang aircraft. Wah, ayat skema sangat! LOL.

sumber: Convergence, The World@Malaysia Airports

gambar hanya sebagai hiasan...

0 Aku dan Mereka 2

Monday, December 6, 2010
Ari tu aku lupa nak tulis pasal bebudak yang ada dalam hidup aku. Aku pun tak tau macam mana aku boleh lupakan diorang. LOL. So, untuk entri ni aku akan tulis pasal diorang. Diorang nilah anak2 sedara aku. Nanti aku bg gambar sorang2.


Yang ni nama penuh dia Muhammad Hazim Ridhuan B. muhd Junaidi. Tapi kami panggil dia Ajim je. Dalam ramai2 anak sedara aku, dia nilah yang paling degil. Semua orang kena dengar cakap dia. Adui. Nasib baiklah cute, kalau x. Entahlah. LOL. Dia lahir tahun 2005. Maknanya sekarang ni umur dia 5 tahun. Dia ni cengeng sikit. Opps!!! Sorry Ajim, Pak Tam ngutuk Ajim plak.


Yang ni namanya Nur Syafiqah Bt. Muhd Junaidi. Dia ni kakak pada Ajim. Dia ni tak cengeng macam adik dia. Tapi satu yang tahan dengan dia ni, kadang2 tu degil. Dia ni selalu jugaklah kena marah dengan mama dia. Walau pun dia ni degil, dia ni cepat belajar. Sekarang darjah satu. Tahun depan darjah dua lah. Sayang Pikah.



Yang ni pulak, nama penuh dia Nurkhairina Bt. Sani. Kami panggil dia Erin je. Dia ni yang paling aktif dalam ramai2 anak sedara aku. Tengah demam pun aktif gak. LOL. Dia ni aku rasa nk jadi artis kot besar nanti. Kuat mennyanyi ngan menari. Artis favourite dia sapa lagi kalau bukan Stacy. Kalau dengar lagu Stacy, mesti dia ikut nyanyi ngan menari ikut step lagi. Tapi entah apa lirik yang dia nyanyi aku pun tak tahu. LOL. Umur dia ni 4 tahun. Tapi kalau bercakap dengan orang tua macam bapak2 sedar & mak2 sedara dia ni, macam dia dah umur 40 tahu. Adui. Tapi takpelah, dari duk diam je kat umah tu. Huhu.


Yang ni nama dia Muhammad Azuan B. Mohd Faizal. Tapi kami panggil dia Awan je. Kadang2 kelakar jugak rasenye panggil dia Awan. dah Macam Awan Dania. LOL. Umur dia 7 tahun. Sama dengan Pikah. Tapi dia ni lahir dulu. Dia ni aktif jugak orangnya. Tapi kadang2 tiba2 dia jadi diam. Haish, susah betul nak paham budak ni. Dia ni pun pandai jugak. Tak lah degil sangat tapi suka buat benda merepek. LOL. tapi tetap sayang dia.



Yang ni namanya Nurul Ain Bt. Mohd Faizal. Adik pada Awan. Dia ni umurnya 4 tahun. Sama dengan Erin. Dia ni jenis pendiam. Tak taulah aku ngikut ibu dia ke ayah dia. Masa kecik2 dulu dia ni tak nak langsung kat aku. Asal aku dekat mula lah dia meraung satu rumah dengar. Tapi, nasib baik sekarang dah nak duduk dengan aku. Boleh gak aku cubit2 pipi dia. LOL.


Yang ni pulak, namanya Muhammad Adam Haris B. Mohd Fazly. Aku tak pasti sangatlah nama penuh dia ni. Sorry ye Adam kalau salah nama. Huhu. Dia ni yang paling debab antara semua dari diorang ni. Bila tengok dia aku rasa macam aku tengok cermin. LOL. Faham2lah ye. Dia ni sama umur dengan Pikah & Awan. Aku jarang jumpa dia ni sebab dia tinggal kat KL. Ayah dia orang KL. Tapi kalau balik Pahang kami berguarau2 jugaklah. Huhu.



Yang berdua ni adik pada Adam. Aku gabungkan sekali diorang ni sebab aku tak tau nak tulis apa. LOL. Kami tak rapat sangat. Mungkin sebab jarang jumpa. Nama pun aku tak berapa ingat. Masa nak tulis nama kat bawah gambar pun aku tertukar. Nak mampos ke tidak tu? LOL. Tapi aku tetap sayang diorang ni.

Cukup lengkap semua anak sedara aku 8 orang. penat aku nak tulis. Dah lah aku tulis pagi2 buta. Betul2 nak mampos. esok kena pegi buat praktikal. Oklah, nanti aku update lagi.

*kalau ade keluar baby baru aku edit entri ni, ok? LOL.

0 No Title....

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Assalamualaikum w.b.t @ peace be unto you.....

For this entry, I will write in English. Even though my English language proficiency is still at the medium level. I'm gonna write about everything I like. LOL. First, one of my friends (actually more than one) said that he/she doesn't like people who don't know how to say 'thank you'. Me myself think the same thing. LOL. Can't we just say those words? It's not that hard babe. People who have helped you would feel appreciated if we say such simple words.

Another thing, 'they who must not be named' said to me, a few people around them are very hard to say the word 'please' before they ask a favor. What is that, huh? It shouldn't be happened, should it? Huh! Just add on that simple word in your sentence, right? Who do you think you are? A royal family? A prime minister? They would even add that word if they require a favor. That's what I think. Sigh!

Then, please please please please DO NOT correct people just like that if we are not totally right. If you do so, it seems like you are knowing everything. Like for example, correcting your friends' English pronunciation. If you know that you are a non-native speaker, please improve your knowledge first. THANK YOU. LOL. Don't you know that you are worse than the person you are correcting? (Sigh). I admit that I sometimes correct people pronunciation, but try to make it in a funny way or whatsoever. Will you? If people correct my pronunciation in that way, I never mind. Really, I never do! I even love it. LOL.

DON'T BOAST!!!! Please babe. Do not act snobbishly. We know you are the superior in certain area but do you really have to boast? You don't, do you? Just so you know, you make people around you would feel irritated. Come on, we do the same thing. You don't have to be such a jerk! WE DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!

I think this is the last point. Please be aware of people around you. As far as I concerned, everyone's got feelings. We have mood. I'm a moody person too. My friend at Tekun also moody, but she controls it. Do people just have to think of my mood? No, right? That's it. In simple word, don't be moody. LOL. Right GEGEH?

That's all for this lovely morning. I'm already asleep.

~ GEGEH means gediks. The 'they who must not be named' should know who they are.

*Please correct your 'build' pronunciation. It is not 'build', but it is just 'bild'........

Words of The Day

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